A song.
This song by "A Fine Frenzy" is the perfect blend of sweet, sad and simply beautiful. It touches a forgotten part of a broken heart.
We're just breakable girls and boys...
This song by "A Fine Frenzy" is the perfect blend of sweet, sad and simply beautiful. It touches a forgotten part of a broken heart.
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2:20 PM
Without love, there is no heartbreak; without the potential of heartbreak there is no true love.
How refreshingly simple. Love, I guess, can be simplified as, "Here's my heart. Break it if you must. You'd be worth the pain."
People always told me love wasn't a feeling, it was a decision. I still don't think that's quite right.
Maybe a better definition of love would be, simply, a serendipitous renouncement.
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10:39 PM
Goodnight moon.
Goodnight room.
Goodnight stuff on the floor of the room.
Goodnight computer running itunes.
Goodnight bills. Goodnight pills.
Goodnight alarm and goodnight Lucky Charms.
Goodnight favorite blouse. And goodnight Mighty Mouse.
Goodnight cute shoes. Goodnight Google News.
And goodnight to the book about shades of blue.
Goodnight chats.
Goodnight hair.
Goodnight readers everywhere.
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11:14 PM
I drive barefoot a lot. It sounds scary and illegal, but it's neither. I promise. There's no danger your flip flop or stacked heel will get stuck under the clutch or break if you're wearing neither.
I regularly iron my clothes with my flat-iron (yes, the one I straighten my hair with). It is particularly good for touching up button plackets and pocket flaps after you put the clothing on and see how horribly it needs pressed. It also makes your clothes smell like conditioner, which is nice.
I've listened to "Without Love" from Hairspray 469 times since I bought it in July.
I draw a picture every night before I go to bed. They are in a notebook in my room. Maybe I'll start posting them. They're pretty.
I can't fall asleep without listening to the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack all the way through.
I drive with the windows down even when it's freezing outside. Why not? There's no such thing as "wasting heat" in a car (it comes off the engine anyway...might as well use it).
I watch a lot of TV. I especially watch a lot of Seinfeld, Friends, House, The Office and America's Next Top Model. How unhomeschooley of me.
...and I'm really good at raising children.
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9:19 PM