
The Emily Witt 5 Year Plan

I was told recently that every driven young upward individual* should have a 5 year plan, so I've developed one.

2009: GHI + Cedarville Freshman year
2010: GHI + Cedarville Sophomore year
2011: GHI + Cedarville Junior year
2012: GHI + Cedarville Senior year
2013: GHI + be graduated + find something else to learn

Simple enough*. I think planning too far ahead is overrated*.

I'm not worried. Planning the future is not my job*.

5 years will fly by anyway.*

*aka yuppie
*thanks to college
*in fact, adaptation is the leading indicator of intelligence.
*it is, in fact, God's.
*and then I'd just need a new plan.

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